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Home. Be Grateful, Not Hateful. By Lilly Toerner, Staff Writer and Marketing Manager and Contributing Writer Alex DiersingNovember 5, 2. As the name denotes, Thanksgiving is a holiday dedicated to the focus of being thankful. This time of year gives us that warm, fuzzy feeling where we can reflect on the things we are fortunate enough to have. During the hustle and bustle that is life, it is easy to forget to sit back and remember what we are thankful for, even the most obvious things such as those you love, your personal life, and your work life. I am thankful for the love and support of my family and friends. They are one of the greatest blessings that can be given.
I cannot imagine my life without them,” said Science Teacher Mrs. Meg Cottingham. English Teacher Mrs. Kirsten Main said, “I'm thankful for students who want to learn for learning's sake, and these students are willing to do the hard work of thinking and challenging themselves beyond what they thought they could. I'm thankful for caring and compassionate colleagues and a job I love.”In life, there are so many things people don’t truly think about.

Often times, we find ourselves missing out on life’s potential as a result. People take the little things in life for granted. So often, we wait for a big payoff that never comes - or comes too late. As we wait, life happens, and we miss the everyday goodness that really matters,” said English teacher Mrs. Emily Hamblin. One student shares their thoughts on the realization of how tomorrow is never promised for anyone.
Senior Brock Tatum said, “Waking up every morning is something people take for granted. Not everyone sits down and thinks about what they have today. They think it’s guaranteed.” Tatum went on to say, “Growing up seeing some of my friends get cancer and how they went through it all. It allowed me to realize that life can change in the drop of a pin.” A few of our staff members thought about others, as opposed to just themselves, giving strong advice on things taken for granted. Assistant Principal Mrs.
The Texarkana Gazette is the premier source for local news and sports in Texarkana and the surrounding Arklatex areas. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Nine people are dead, including the suspected gunman, and a 10th is hospitalized after a gunman opened fire at an NFL watch party over the weekend in Plano, Texas. Este artigo foi atualizado, link aqui. Esta é a história do operário que se tornou prefidente e do presidente que se tornou milionário. Florida Atlantic head football coach Lane Kiffin, the most frequently dunked-on coach in recent college football history, has willingly shared two more stories about.
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Emily Doblinger said, “I think people take kindness for granted. The effort people make to choose kindness over negativity is under- appreciated.”“I think we take each other for granted. I feel like we don't value other people the way we should and it shows in the way we treat others,” said Intervention Specialist Mrs. Heather Schulkers. Waking up every day with a thankful heart is the best way to live. To appreciate the fact that you are alive and breathing is something to always be grateful for. Happiness comes from appreciating good aspects of our lives and not dwelling on the bad.
The bad will always be there, but focusing on it won’t make it any better. By the wise words of English Teacher Mrs. Rachel Smith, “Karen Salmansohn says we have to look for the good in the bad, the happy in your sad, the gain in your pain, and what makes you grateful not hateful."A New Face in the Athletic Department. By Camryn Di. Angelo and Contributing Writer Sophia Smiley.
November 5, 2. 01. Dealing with sweaty, complaining student athletes all day might seem like a hard job; that’s why RHS makes sure to hire the best athletic trainers for the position. As fall sports come to an end, the newest member of the Athletic Department is starting to settle in nicely at RHS. The new athletic trainer, Khari Curry, is excited and ready for what is to come.“It keeps me busy. I like the kids. I like the coaches.
I like the staff here. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. It’s awesome so far,” said Curry. While some students are used to seeing Khari every day for sport related injuries, others aren’t fully aware of the importance of an Athletic Trainer. School trainers help to ice sore injuries, rub out painful knots, and make sure if it’ safe for a player to participate in the game.
Athletic Trainers get us through tough practices, and after hard games. They really know how to put us back together on a rough day,” said senior girls soccer player Madison Foster.“Athletic Trainers are important to the players because they are the first ones you can go to see if you think something is wrong. They can tell you how serious it is and what needs to be done. They understand how anxious kids are to play, but they also want them to be safe before letting them,” said senior baseball player Andrew Beebe. Being an athletic trainer isn’t just helping to ice and tape up. Athletic trainers have to go through schooling so they understand how to address each player’s injury. First, they have to have a degree in athletic training, which there aren’t a lot of colleges around here that do,” said Micky Geier, RHS Athletic Director.
Aside from getting a degree in athletic training, sometimes the best advice can come from the athletes themselves.“[My advice would be] I would get to know the players pretty well when dealing with their injuries.” said Beebe.“Know the player’s pain tolerance. What might hurt one player really bad might feel like a pinch to another,” said senior girls soccer player Sydnie Guenther.
So for those who have yet to meet Khari, stop by the trainer's room after school to tape up and get to know him after school! Red Ribbon Week: Choose Who You Want to Be By Mariah Clemow, Staff Writer and Editor and Contributing Writer Taylor Huddleston. November 5, 2. 01. Red Ribbon Week is Oct. Oct. 3. 1. It is an awareness program to teach high school students the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. Deterring high school students from drugs and alcohol altogether.
Red Ribbon Week is a yearly tradition at most high school showing the truthful side effects of choosing to drink or do drugs. Shaolin Temple 3: Martial Arts Of Shaolin Full Movie here. Some schools dress up or do activities to promote the idea of staying substance free.
This year, RHS chose to wear a simple red piece of clothing or accessory to remember to stay drug and alcohol free. Substance abuse is common, even in our community. Red Ribbon Week is meant to encourage high schoolers everywhere to stay away from drugs and alcohol, because it can be a downward spiral into life. Ms. Rachel Miller, Career and Assessment Counselor, said, “Red Ribbon Week exists to not only spread awareness of the side effects of drug and alcohol abuse, but to show students that are struggling that their not the only ones.”Red Ribbon week is about students learning the real and sometimes deadly consequences of substance abuse; and how it can affect the people you surround yourself with. I’ve seen family, friends and students go through periods of their lives with bad situations. I have gone to funerals and know the affects personally, of alcohol and drug abuse. It will forever happen until there is knowledge on the subject.
High school is the turning point for most students.” said Miller. There were many events throughout the week showing students the truth of what alcohol and drugs can do and the toll it has on surrounding people. Out of the 5 teachers who told their side of substance abuse, Mrs.
Meg Cottingham talked about getting into a bad accident over trying to be cool and drinking and driving. She tells a story of a teenage Cottingham of a girl who wanted to fit in and looking for a place to belong with the cool kids.
She was peer pressured into drinking; and then into driving by the popular kids. She explained that the car accident was in fact bad and things could have been worse for her and her passengers.