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Full text of "How to become an Alpinist"Skip to main content. FREDERICK BURLINGHAM.
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Iivo Colours. Price 6s. MR. ['RKHKRICK 1. U R 1 . 1 \"< , I IA. M. . M. i. H who Kincni,ii(i^; ;i ilic(l the Mat'. The Man ivh- > cineviaiografihed the Matterhoi n). WITH SIXTY- THREE.

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XIX. How to Get Killed in the Alps. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Mr Frederick Burlingham .
Frontispiece. "The Man who cinematographed the Matterhorn ". The Aiguille du Dru, 1. Aiguille. Verte, 1.
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- Kilauea; Mount Etna; Mount Yasur; Mount Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira; Piton de la Fournaise; Erta Ale.
Les Courtes and Les. Droites, seen in the distance ; and the. Moine, 1. 1,2. 14 feet, Photographed from the. Col de la Buche. .. The Breithorn, 1. Gornergrat above Zermatt ..
The Mer de Glace ... The Village of Les Houches in the Valley of.
Chamonix in the Shadow of Mont Blanc . Monsieur Laugel and the Guide, Jules Burnet. Petit Charmoz . . In the Granite Crags of the Petit Charmoz, a. Training Ground for Alpinists . Guides in Difficulties at the Crevassed.
Jonction " while descending. Pierre Casoli. who was struck ky Lightning on Mont. Blanc ... 4. 2. His Last Voyage across the Eternal Ice . LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS.
Madame Frederick Burlingham and the Guide. Auguste Payot, crossing a Crevasse at the. Mulets . . . . . . At the Grands Mulets, where one Sleeps before. Climbing Mont Blanc . The Matterhorn, 1.
Path on the Hornli . First Contact with the Matterhorn Precipices . British and Colonial Kinematograph Caravan. Hornli Cabane above the. Clouds ... 6. 4. Approaching the Mattkrhorn Crags . The Summit of the Matterhorn .
Mr Frederick Burlingham with Cinemato- . Camera on the Summit of the.
Matterhorn. Monte Rosa is seen in the. Sunrise on Mont Blanc .
Crevasses in the Glacier du Geant . Mr Burlingham and Party on the Summit of the. Aiguille du Moine Mont Blanc and the. Chamonix Needles are seen in the distance .
Lunch at 1. 1,2. 14 feet . Mrs Fanny Bullock Workman, the Himalayan. Explorer, who Holds the World's Altitude. Record for Women, 2. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ix. Miss Annie S. Peck, Heroine of Mont Huascaran.
Peru ... 9. 0. Mlle. Marvingt, the Famous French Climber. Ticklish Place on the Aiguille de.
Trelaporte . . . . Mrs Aubrey Le Blond, the well- known Presi- . Ladies' Alpine Club of London . Miss Dora Keen, of Philadelphia, whose Ex- . Andes and Alaska have. Attention . . . .
Fraulein Eleonore Hasenclever, of Frankfurt- . Main, with the Famous Guide, Alexander. Burgener, who Lost his Life on the Jung- .
Frau Vineta Mayer, of Vienna, in the Famous. Chimney on the Zimmer, Rax, in Austria . Madame Madeleine Franz Namur, Daughter of. M. J. Vallot, of the Mont Blanc Observa- . Frau Kathe Broske, of Zabrze, Preussisch.
Schlesien . . . . Fraulein Mizzi Wolf, a Famous Viennese Al- . On the Glacier de Saleinoz after having De- . Snow Slope seen in distance . S. Looking South- east from the Fenetre de Saleinoz.
Vast Snow Desert towards the Point. Plines, Le Darrei and Le Four Noirk 1. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS.
Mont Blanc and the Brevent . Seracs on Mont Blanc near the Grand Plateau. Traces of a Fallen Avalanche are seen. Scaling a Perpendicular Wall on the Clochetons. Plan Praz . . . .
Ascending a Chimney which had never before. Climbed ... 1. 34. Madame Leontine Richard on the Backbone of. Belvedere among the Red Needles . Crossing Snow Field which leads down to the. Vallee de Berard .
Madame Leontine Richard and the Guide, Emile. Ducroz, on the Summit of the Belvedere . At the Steinmann on the Belvedere, the Highest.
Point among the Red Needles . In the Valley of the Dead . Caravan arriving at the Grand St Bernard. Hospice ... 1. 58. Curiosity of St Bernard Dogs . Statue of St Bernard on the Swiss- Italian.
Frontier . . * . . St Bernard Monks, who are Great Alpinists. Daily Exercise with the Dogs . Does Someone wish to be Rescued?" . LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xi.
Bossons Glaciers. With Microscope Grands. Mulets Refuge may be seen on nearest. Rock Needle . . . Exercise before Dinner on the Grands Mulets. Needles . . . . . The Refuge at the Grands Mulets and the.
Aiguille du Midi in the Background . British and Colonial Caravan arriving at the. Refuge Vallot, over 1. The. Vallot Observatory is seen below . British and Colonial Caravan, including Mrs. Burlingham, on the Summit of Mont Blanc 1. Mr Frederick Burlingham on the Summit of.
Mont Blanc, the Highest Point in Central. Europe ... 1. 80. The Swinging Railway now under construction. Aiguille du Midi . Type of Car used by Workmen .
Type of Car in which Tourists will " Swoop the. Swoop." Photograph Reproduced through. Courtesy of Ceretti & Tanfani of. Milan ... 1. 90. Alpining without Effort .. Among the Seracs of the "Ice Niagara "in the.
Glacier du Geant .. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Mont Blanc, 1. 5,7. Col de. la Seigne in Italy ..
Count de Donnau, of Paris, taking it easy after. Strenuous Climbing . Crevasses in the Mer de Glace . The Pic du Tacul, Grandes Jorasses, Mont.
Mallet and the Dent du Geant seen from. Mer de Glace . . . Crossing the Glacier Blanc on the Way to. Belvedere in the Aiguilles Rouges . The Lure of the Mountains. HOW TO BECOME AN. THE LURE OF THE MOUNTAINS.
That the high, white mountains are getting a tremen- . Alps each year. During the season trains de luxe now run regularly. Alps. In Switzerland alone over. The ordinary. traveller may take advantage of reduced fare excursions. According to recent estimates upwards of a quarter. Chamonix, at the foot of Mont.
Blanc, each year, and other centres in the Dauphine. Alps, Bernese Oberland, the Valais, the Engadine and.
HOW TO BECOME AN ALPINIST. Tyrol have their share of visitors. At Chamonix. not long ago, during August, when people were swelter- . London and Paris, the rush to the foot of the. In the. overflow tourists were forced to sleep under the same. In the morning I en- . Englishman, covered with dewdrops.
At Zermatt the crush was better managed, for the. Viege- Zermatt branch railway, on this occasion, re- . It is the psychology of this crowd, however, that. Not many years ago the mountains. Most of the summits were. Peasants. thought, as the Indians of Peru believe still, that the.
Now. it is the reverse, for the majority of tourists have. They are not like the Georgian I met a few. Grindelwald, who started for the Eismeer. There is a scramble. THE LURE OF THE MOUNTAINS 5.
Fate where the older generations would have. As Mr J. M. Bulloch, editor of. Graphic, expressed it the other day, it is " Demo- . And demo- . cracy is usually a bit reckless. Again, in this age of disrespect one may think lightly. These masses of ice- covered granite are an appalling. The trouble is, many amateur climbers going to the.
Alps for the first time do not realize the actuality of. Nature. and being unprepared for the conflict are vanquished. Nature's. disintegrating forces.