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In aesthetics, the uncanny valley is a hypothesized relationship between the degree of an object's resemblance to a human being and the emotional response to such an. “Blessed are the peacemakers”but who can say this of Congress whose hostility to the world comes near the devil himself. And now with its anti-Russia, anti. Well – I seem to have a big influx of new readers! Can’t think why. *ahem* Please feel free to say hello in here, and please check out the archives and have a. Title Notes Availability 3.50. 3.50 is a 2013 Cambodia/Singapore crime thriller by Chhay Bora. With Doung Cheanick, Leang Honglee and Eunice Olsen. Bunker reader Dee Findlay stole the show as Clearwater stood up to Scientology last night.
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