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Andover Magazine: Winter 2. Class Notes by Phillips Academy. Andover Magazine: Winter 2. Class Notes Published on Dec 1.

Read class notes from the Winter 2. Andover magazine.

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SABN Exclusive: Date My Family's "Mahoney" sets the record straight. It’s been a week since Lunga “Mahoney” Kolela appeared on popular reality TV show, Date My Family, but the man dubbed ‘Mahorny’ is still making waves. Last week, Lunga’s attitude and outlook on life had fans of the show feeling all kinds of emotions. Viewers said that Lunga rubbed all of them up the wrong way, especially when it came to talking about himself and his valuables. He constantly bragged about how “rich” he is and even stated on one of his dates that he has so many cars, that he lost count. During the show, Lunga also received the name ‘Mahorny’ by Twitter users. That particular episode started trending before it ended, with many viewers expressing their dislike of Lunga.
Following the show, Lunga chatted to SABN and set the record straight. Lunga first addressed his new nickname, Mahorny.
It seems like he doesn’t have a problem with it at all.“I accept it. It’s got spice. Think I need to set a date at home affairs,” he laughed.
Many viewers said Lunga was arrogant because he “threw the fact that he has money in the faces of the family’. But Lunga strongly disagrees with this statement, saying that revealing that he has money was not intentional.“Throwing the fact that I have money was not intentional. I just wanted the families to be certain that the daughters would be taken care of. Le Spectre Rouge Full Movie In English. I just said if you have money you have money and let’s not crucify people who say they have money. I have R2. 00 in my bank account (it is money) I have money. Why should I wait to hit millions before I can say I have money. I’m content with my R2.
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With that said, I’m rich because I’m happy.”During the show, Lunga made a comment about not liking “ugly” kids. This comment rubbed many viewers the wrong way. But Lunga says his comment was taken out of context.“The kid thing was taken out of context, it was an inside joke but I love kids and work with them all the time in my line of work.”Fans weren’t convinced by Lunga, so they decided to do their own investigations. They stumbled across an image of Lunga proposing to an unidentified girl in a club. When asked about it, Lunga dismissed rumours that he was engaged, saying, “Lady at a club? Where is the lady now?”He also set the record straight about a Facebook post that went viral about “turning gay”.“‘Turned gay’ was a dare from a friend. I’m comfortable around gay people now, as opposed to four years ago when I was irritated by gays.”And as for any beef between himself and Radio 7.
Eusebius Mc. Kaizer, Lunga says that the radio personality is a “good friend”.“Eusebius is a good friend of mine. There are no files, as he clearly knows where I stand in terms of dating.”What are your plans for the future after Date my Family. Will we be seeing more of Mahoney on our TV screens?“Meet an amazing lady and inject the entertainment scene with lots of laughs and fun moments. I am also working on my own reality web series and being involved in the entertainment business.”Following the show, how do you plan on moving forward, despite the remarks and comments made on social media?“I am already moving forward, just signed a PR deal worth (Millions) and looking to work with more brands and entertaining Africa.”What are you currently busy with?“Right now , I’m working on my next big move like TV, radio & online moves…. You know what, the list is endless. I am also working with a lifestyle brand called Red Cup Village on a few projects, so stay tuned!!”Comments comments.