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Roles That Nearly Destroyed Actors. Sometimes, actors dedicate themselves to a role so wholly that it very nearly becomes their demise. Acting may seem like a breezy career filled with fame and fortune, but it has its risks like anything else. There have been certain unfortunate instances where a role nearly destroyed the actor that played it, affecting their sanity, physical body, or career. Those devoted to method acting in particular often become their characters so completely that they find it hard to snap out of it and return to their own reality. Others have taken on intensely demanding physical roles, testing their body’s limitations.
They may choose to perform their own stunts, leading to accidents and on- set injuries that almost jeopardized their careers. Still others choose to star in films destined for failure, becoming shunned by association, even if the film’s faults weren’t their own. Regardless of the cause, these actors were lucky they didn’t bite the dust in one way or another, unlike some of their less fortunate counterparts. Here are 1. 5 Roles That Nearly Destroyed The Actors That Played Them. George Clooney as Batman/Bruce Wayne in Batman & Robin. In 1. 99. 7, George Clooney was still just a rising star with a famous last name, nephew to actress Rosemary Clooney. His popular turn as Doug Ross on ER had been his big break, but he was looking to transition from TV star to movie star.
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Adapted and directed by Dan Rush, and based on a short story by Raymond Carver, Everything Must Go tells the story of Nick (Will Ferrell) a career salesman whose days. EDITOR’S NOTE: Bloody Disgusting has since decided it will no longer cover the Jeepers Creepers franchise or any of Victor Salva’s past, present, or future projects. Darren Aronofsky's head-trip horror movie "Mother!" is dazzling on the surface, but what lies beneath? Maybe nothing. Rosemary Clooney, Soundtrack: The Lux Show. Watch Paper Heart Online Iflix. Rosemary Clooney was born in Maysville, Kentucky, to Marie Frances (Guilfoyle) and Andrew Joseph Clooney.

Batman & Robin was supposed to be his way in, a summer blockbuster of epic proportions. But upon taking up the cowl from Val Kilmer, his portrayal of The Caped Crusader became known as the worst to date. The film barely made back its budget and was universally panned by critics. While certainly the studio and director Joel Schumacher were largely to blame, Hollywood immediately wondered whether Clooney just didn’t have the star power to carry that large of a film (at least at that point in his career). To make matters worse, his other film that year, The Peacemaker, didn’t fare well either. Fortunately, he had signed on for two other films at the time that both went on to get Oscar nominations, and a few years later, he took everyone by surprise in the Cohen Brothers, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? Nevertheless, Clooney actually apologized on multiple occasions for destroying Batman (and the existence of those ridiculous Batsuit nipples).
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That price gets you into one movie showing every single day at any theater in the U.S. that accepts debit cards (this does not include 3D or Imax showings). Swedish director Ruben Ostlund won Palme d'Or for this "slapstick tragedy about the fragility of everything we call human".
Emma Watson as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series. Despite having a role that any Harry Potter fan would have died for, Emma Watson nearly threw in the towel after Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The grueling schedules and lack of freedom or independence had taken its toll on her. She called the experience “horrible” and “agonizing” in an interview with The Daily Mail after production for the last film was over. Not exactly what you’d expect from an experience that everyone else in the world would have probably found magical and totally worth the struggle. If Emma had quit, she’d likely have faded into obscurity as many of the other young actors did, sacrificing fame for freedom. Instead, she stuck it out despite suffering through constant cold and wet conditions during filming for both parts of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Even though Hermione nearly destroyed her independence, she certainly has plenty of freedom to do what she wants now. As you’re probably all aware, she starred as Belle in Beauty and the Beast this year and became a UN Goodwill Ambassador in 2. Hermione. 1. 3. Jason Statham as Lee Christmas in The Expendables 3. With a film franchise chock full of action heroes (and villains), there are always bound to be some stunts performed by the actors themselves. The Expendables are a team of mercenary badasses, so naturally, violence and risk come with the territory. However, Jason Statham, who plays Lee Christmas in the films (and second in command to Sylvester Stallone’s character), almost bit off more than he could chew during The Expendables 3.
Jason’s career—and life—were nearly snuffed out when the breaks went out on a truck he was test- driving for a stunt. Instead of stopping at the end of a dock, the truck plunged straight into the Black Sea with Statham behind the wheel, getting stuck about sixty feet down. Luckily, the doors were already taken off for the stunt, but even more lucky was the fact that Jason Statham is a professionally trained, Olympic level diver. As Sylvester Stallone told The Mirror at the film’s premiere, “If anyone else had been in that truck, we would have been dead because we were all wearing heavy boots and gun belts.” Talk about a close call. Daniel Day Lewis as Hawkeye in Last of the Mohicans.
At this point, what role hasn’t nearly destroyed Daniel Day Lewis? His obsessive method acting has been taken to the extreme many times. It’s no wonder he’s retiring now after only appearing in twenty- nine projects (but winning three Oscars). His wife had to have put her foot down more than once, especially after what happened to him when he took on the role of Nathaniel Poe, aka Hawkeye, in The Last of the Mohicans. Known for not breaking character during the course of filming, even off camera, Daniel brought his gun with him wherever he went, including Christmas dinner. I’ve no idea how not to be Hawkeye,”he told director Michael Mann. Apparently, his brain agreed with him, and soon after filming, he began experiencing hallucinations and claustrophobia as he tried to readjust to civilized life.
Daniel had spent months in the woods training with wilderness experts and completely immersing himself in the world of the character. He had effectively become Hawkeye, which in combination with harsh outdoor conditions and a lack of proper sleep and nutrition, likely caused a kind of disassociation or delirium to set in. At least it was an acute episode, and he didn’t seem to suffer any permanent damage to his mind (that we know of). Vivian Leigh as Blanche Dubois in A Streetcar Named Desire.
Wife to famed stage and screen genius Laurence Olivier, Vivian Leigh was a star in her own right, winning a pair of Oscars for her starring roles in Gone With the Wind and A Streetcar Named Desire. However, she might have taken her role in the latter film as mentally unstable Blanche Dubois a bit too seriously. According to friends of Leigh and Olivier, the actress was prone to reckless behavior much like her character. Leigh allegedly had dozens of affairs along with a drinking problem. “Blanche was so very like her in a way,” explained actor/director John Gielgud in a 1. Olivier. “It must have been a most dreadful strain to do it night after night.
She would be shaking and white and quite distraught at the end of it.” Apparently, the strain of taking on a role so closely mirroring her own life caused a psychotic break. Leigh didn’t do another film for nearly three years, but couldn’t even get through the one she ended up signing on for. During the production of Elephant Walk, Leigh had a mental breakdown and suffered such confusion that she thought she was back on the set of A Streetcar Named Desire. While she recovered from her episode and eventually did a couple more films, unfortunately, her mental illness continued to progress until her death in 1. David Schwimmer as Ross Geller in Friends.
One of the most popular TV shows of all time, Friends ran for ten years and skyrocketed its stars to fame. One of those actors didn’t cope so well with the constant attention, however.